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The Value-Add Approach

As an asset class residential Multifamily has been traditionally associated with sophisticated investors only accessible to pension funds, REITs, family offices, and institutions. However in the last decade all of that has changed thanks to changes in the legislation passed after the Great Financial crisis of 2008.

Today this amazing asset class is available to the average investor and gaining popularity each and every year.

We are now living in an era where real estate investments have become exceedingly interesting. The good news is that the complexity of modern multifamily deals has created a corresponding need for more sophisticated investors, developers, and advisors to make these deals happen. This article will start with the basics by explaining what value-add multifamily syndication is and how it can help you build your wealth.


Value-add multifamily syndication is a process by which a group of investors teams up to purchase an income-producing asset, such as a multifamily property. The goal is to improve the property’s cash flow and value over time by making enhancements or adding value through operational improvements. In most cases, the sponsor (the person in charge of the deal) will take on most of the risk while the investors provide capital in exchange for a share of the profits.

There are several phases that every successful value-add multifamily syndication deal goes through. In this blog post we will list 5:


Planning & Prepping

The first step is always planning and prepping. This phase includes market research, financial modeling, creating marketing materials, and assembling the team. It’s important to have a well-developed plan and a realistic expectation of what can be accomplished given the available resources and market conditions.



The purchase phase is where things start to get exciting (or nerve-wracking, depending on your perspective). This is when the syndication team goes out and buys the property. Everyone involved must remain focused during this time as there can be a lot of distractions. Deals can fall apart at any point so it’s crucial to have a well-executed plan and stay organized. There are many things to consider during this stage such as due diligence, financing, and the terms of the deal. This is when the funds are raised and the deal closes. It’s important to have a good understanding of what you’re buying and how much it will cost.



This step is to turn the property into something that generates a profit. This phase involves managing, running, and maintaining the asset while it’s being improved. In most cases, this will include hiring managers and leasing agents as well as making improvements such as renovations or adding amenities. The goal of this stage is to increase cash flow so you can start generating income for your investors and yourself in return. You should be able to answer questions like: How much rent do I need? What capital expenditures are needed? Is there enough revenue for overhead expenses? Can we still generate increased returns without raising rents too high? Will tenants purchase amenities if they're offered at different rates than traditional leases with free covered parking? Are residents willing to pay for amenities?


Renovation, Re-Branding, and Releasing

This is often one of the most challenging aspects of value-add multifamily syndication as it can be difficult to predict how long everything will take and much it will cost. Renovation, Re-Branding, and Releasing can take anywhere from a few months to a few years. This is where all the hard work happens as the team works to improve the cash flow and value of the property. The goal is to improve the property’s cash flow and value by making enhancements or adding value through operational improvements. It’s important to have a solid plan in place before starting any renovations so that everyone understands what needs to be done and by when. The releasing of the property is where you unveil all of your hard work to potential renters in an effort to improve occupancy rates and increase rents. Having a good marketing plan is crucial here as well because there will likely be competition from other properties in the area looking for tenants during this period. The goal is always to get full market rent so that everyone can make more return on their invested capital!


Exit Strategy

The final step involves selling the property. The initial phases of value-add multifamily syndication deals are often the most difficult because everything has to be planned out in advance before any work can begin. However, there is great satisfaction in knowing that all of this hard work will eventually pay off when it comes time to sell! This process takes patience but if done right, everyone involved will make significant amounts of returns on their investment over time. Once again, having a solid plan is important since there may also be competition among different types of real estate investors during this phase. Knowing your target market and having a good marketing plan is the key to making sure that you get the full asking price for your property.


These are the five basic phases of any successful value-add multifamily syndication deal. As you can see, there is a lot that goes into a successful value-add multifamily syndication deal. However, if you have the right team in place and are prepared for the challenge, it can be a very lucrative way to build your wealth.


If this article piqued your interest in investing in real estate then congratulations – there’s never been a better time than now to invest in income-producing assets! For more information on how you can get involved in a value-add multifamily syndication deal, please book a call. We’d be happy to answer any of your questions and help get you started on the path to financial success through multifamily investing!

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